We are the #1 rated DMV certified driver improvement course in Charlottesville, VA. Since 1994, we’ve helped thousands of people reduce their traffic tickets and become better safer drivers.
- ✅ Fast 24-hour DMV processing
- ✅ Ticket dismissal or reduction
- ✅ Avoid DMV license suspension
- ✅ Get VA driver license reinstated
- ✅ Improve your VA driving record
- ✅ Get up to +5 DMV safety points
- ✅ Safe driver insurance discounts
- ✅ Become a better safer driver
Location: Sleep Inn & Suites
1185 5th St SW, Charlottesville, VA 22902
9:00AM to 5:00PM (with breaks)
Faster & better than online courses
Fun & interesting so time flies by
- Clean & comfortable classroom with regular breaks
- You get immediate credit & fast 24 hour DMV processing
- THIS IS NOT ⚠️ the failed DMV exam retake course!
Our driver improvement course is the VA state & court required minimum 8-hour in person class. Reasons people take our class include: Court ordered, dismiss traffic tickets, avoid license suspension, earn +5 DMV safety points or get auto insurance discounts.
Course topics include:
- laws of the road
- emergency braking & steering
- alcohol & drugs
- night driving
- adverse weather
- communication
Through the use of videos, workbook exercises, lecture and general discussion, our goal is to provide drivers with the necessary information and updated driving techniques to improve their awareness, skill, and decision making while driving. Some reasons why people take our class include…